Sunday, March 22, 2009

Standardized Testing...REALLY?!

I realize that I'm pretty erratic with my posting, but school actually started giving me homework this week. It's pretty annoying. In fact, I have to leave in a bit to film a project for English. Said project also required us (the group) to hop two fences last night since the place we were filming decided to close their gates and we needed to leave since it was so cold. It was very Prison Break-esque. I'm sure Michael Scofield would've been proud of us.

Anyway, so I have to register for my SAT soon. In fact, in 4 days. Can you FEEL the excitement?

If you said yes...are you sure you know me?

I just think it's a bit frustrating that everything lies on ONE test when it comes to proving your intelligence, because there are so many other ways to illustrate it (I'm trying to not use the word 'show' anymore, it's kind of hard). It just kind of sucks that this is the deciding factor for colleges on whether or not to accept me because I know I'll do fine in the English part, but the Math? Not so much.

I'm sorry this post is so emo, but I've been kind of stressed out over this for the past couple days.


(no idea why that was in capitals, but you get the point)

I noticed something VERY strange about my clothes: they've gotten smaller, YET I HAVE NOT GROWN! It's very strange! Shirts that were LONG are somehow becoming short when I wear them. It's really quite annoying because I've had to get rid of a lot of my wardrobe and so now I have like, nothing to wear and I'm too broke/cheap to buy anything. This sucks.

I really quite miss Sunday Bazaar now.

(this post was truly useless)


  1. Well first of all Michael Scofield is ma boi. HE just called me and asked me if he's proud of you But he said you suck you think you're tough cause you climbed over a fence? ? Ok moving on for the SAT part.. It doesn't matter what you get you can just go to the college and take my name! they'll accept you without a problem =p and for the last bit I suggest you wear plastic/paper bags maybe even sandwich bags cause you're so small? =p naww im playin by stuff when you reach khi in the Summer= p Anyways that's all for tOday I'm out! Take it EZ My Pce.

  2. Why do you have the Ibrahim song on your song thingi?

  3. Naveen told me we're buying new clothes for yewww! Amz exc!t3d.
    Maybe they shrank while being, um, laundered(?).

    ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
    ^Good vibes I'm sending your way for the SAT.

  4. I hate SAT.
    And hello to you too =D
    Explain to me why losing your wardrobe is the 'nice' part of the post? =D
