Sunday, April 26, 2009

Avoiding Wrathful Friends

I'm not going to lie, I don't think I would've posted this weekend had it not been for Aziza's wild threats that I would 'hear from her' if there was nothing new here.

So here's the real reason why I didn't post for SO long [besides the fact that I was busy trying fruitlessly to have a life], it was because I really had nothing to write about...well, nothing I'd want to write about HERE anyway. But then I heard something really, really, really stupid on the radio and I HAVE to share my thoughts on it.

the song Love Story by Taylor Swift [here's the link:]

the first time I heard it, I was like, 'oh whatever, she's just another Disney girl'. Technically she isn't, but she DID date Joe Jonas, who dumped her in a 25 second phone call.

I know way too much celebrity gossip, but that's not the point

the second time I heard it, I actually listened to the lyrics...and I'm sorry, but this girl is an IDIOT! I don't think she's READ half the literature she's referencing to, and then she decided that she somehow got the authority to change the lyrics around to suit her.

Wait, let me put them up to prove my point:

Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter

^ technically, there's nothing wrong with the above sentence, but I just thought it was really funny that she was basically referring to herself as adulteress, because the scarlet letter was something they made women wear on their dresses so they could tell everyone they committed adultery and you know, decided to sleep with somebody else's husband

and this from a Disney girl. Tsk, tsk

this is the part though, that REALLY pisses me off:

He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said,"Marry me, Juliet. you'll never have to be alone.
I love you and that's all I really know.
I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress;
It's a love story - baby just say 'Yes.'

look, I get it. She was trying to be cute and romantic, but uh, I don't know if anyone ever told this chick that in the end, ROMEO AND JULIET KILL THEMSELVES. Well, Romeo first because he's a bit of an idiot and never bothered poking Juliet or something to make sure she's really alive [I'd also like to point out another important lesson Shakespeare teaches us: ALWAYS POKE SOMEONE YOU THINK IS DEAD BEFORE YOU KILL YOURSELF OVER THEM. ALWAYS. Back to the story].

But yeah, my point is, if you're going to compare yourself to a great romantic couple or whatever, choose someone WHO DIDN'T KILL THEMSELVES. And please don't go around changing the ending of the story to suit your life. Seriously. Do us all a favor on that one.

EDIT: Aziza and I just discovered that she also wrote about Romeo and his stupidity EXACTLY A YEAR AGO. Apparently, it seems as if we're Shakespeare's Chosen Ones to propogate the stupidity of Romeo's plight. God, I hate weird creepy fictional characters.

EDIT 2: Did you know that apparently, April 26th is the actual, estimated death of Shakespeare? Aziza just shared this factoid with me, and now I am doubly creeped out by this weird coincedence :/


  1. Hahahaha we are both so horrified by the stupidity of Shakespeare and his Romeo/Juliet tragedy!
    Can I post this link on a Taylor Swift fan club site so you can get a lot of hate-mail? Maybe you'll make it onto PerezHilton or something this way.



    Dude we should build a prison and put Miley Cyrus, The Jonas Brothers and this Taylor woman in there.
