Monday, January 26, 2009

my bangs

so, I have a bit of a dilemma. I'm thinking of getting a trim in a couple of days and I don't know if I should get the fringe again or just keep my bangs to the side...

HAHAHA did you really I think I was shallow enough to dedicate an entire post to the length of my bangs? That'd be pretty funny.

Did you notice all the fun music? LOL, I just read Naveen's post on my FB Wall saying she listened to Akon today, so the world must be ending. I knew you'd all appreciate such eloquent lyrics like, "I see you in the club, you showing thugs love, I wanna get with you" and of course, "I'll be your baby father"

I really hope he isn't though, because that'd be one creepy looking baby, but that's not the point.

Since I don't really have a life and all I seem to be doing these days is reading; I thought I'd post up my thoughts on Benazir's autobiography and that Zia-ul-Haq book, Exploding Case of Mangoes, just because I know you care :]

I might add though, that I had all 3 books (the latter 2 and the Musharraf book) in my purse for the flight, and when the woman checking my bag saw all those books, she proceeded to ask me if I was 'doing an MA in politics'

Jeez. This is what I get for being INTERESTED in the state of my country. God.

Anyway, the Zia-ul-Haq book was actually v. funny, especially because the author seemed to be really obsessed with Zia's mustache and its 'dancing'. I'm sure that had some symbolic meaning or whatever, but it was a 16 hour flight for crying out loud and I was like, 30000 feet in the air. So not the time for an analysis.

Also, not to give anything away or anything, but near the end of the book, there's some ahem, gay love action going on, and I mean, it's not like I'm against gay people or anything (as you all very well know) but it was REALLY unneccesary in terms of the plot. And also kind of weird to read when there's a Pakistani businessman sitting next to you trying not to look like he's reading over your shoulder.

The Benazir book was, as predicted, all 'ohh look I got arrested! I loved my country! VOTE FOR ME!' but the way she described ZA Bhutto (Sr.)'s trial WAS really sad. I kinda wanted to give him a hug. Not her though.

Another thing that kinda made me mad was, DID SHE REALLY NOT DATE ANYONE WHILE SHE WAS AT HARVARD AND OXFORD? And does she really expect us to believe she was SINGLE THROUGHOUT? I mean come on! You're telling me she never had a fling with Imran Khan? Or like, any of the other single guys at either uni? As if.

Even MUSHARRAF talked about his ex girlfriends. I like honesty in a book. Hmmph.


  1. LOL yo My! Lol well I don't know much about these politicians so I can't really say anything other than I was going to become the prez of pakistan but I let musharaff boi take my place lol ! and you know what benazir said about dating people was true! She was waiting for me to be born! Too bad I rejected her when I was born! And what Gay stuff are you talkin about I don't get it lol maybe it's cause I haven't bothered to read any of these books :S But I don't think anoyone has. =p bahaha

  2. Benazir is such a liar. But if she's not, I just want to say that I am SO SORRY that the only man she got to have in her life was ZARDARI. Ew. What was she thinking? She goes to Harvard and oxford and then does THIS?

  3. Hey, Myra...

    Nice blog you have here....

    Pretty interes-

    *pop music starts playing*

    I uhh...have to go somewhere ! Cya!

  4. MYRA..get the side bangs :D but not too short. or too long.

    AND..I like the music on your blog. Even though it takes like 854357464years to load, it's nice. The song right now is saying something about bringing the fire to the party haha.And this whole Akon business bytheway..all your fault.



    Haha this whole Akon business is your fault bytheway. AND the music on this thing is actually quite cool. The song right now is talking about bring the fire to the party or something.

    All Benazir did in her book was critisize Zia-ul-Haq. I mean, bichara. I think Zia-ul-Haq is the one who deserves the hug, Myra. Not Zulfi.

