Saturday, January 31, 2009

we're all closet lesbians

Lol, so I think I'm going to dedicate this post to Aziza, just because of her devotion to my blog...and also, I hope you get well soon!

ANYWAY, so I've had a bit of an epiphany in the last few days, in no small part thanks to all those bumper stickers Selena keeps sending me...and on that note, THEY ARE SO ADDICTIVE! All I do is just bumper sticker search all the day...

I'm sorry but these days my attention span is worse than a goldfish so you're going to deal with my erratic topic jumping throughout the post. Ahem, anyway

so like I said, I've noticed quite a few bumper stickers relating to Twilight...actually, scratch that, EVERY other sticker is related in some to Twilight, but some of them particularly catch my attention, like, "every time I see a shiny silver Volvo, I hope it's Edward in there" or 'Every time I hear the name Edward, I turn and say "WHERE?!"'

okay people, SERIOUSLY? Let me remind you guys of something...Edward is FICTIONAL. I know he's pretty and lovely and all that, BUT HE DOESN'T FREAKING EXIST. If you're imagining FICTIONAL CHARACTERS everywhere you go, I think that's a sign you need mental help

actually you know, I was like you guys at one point. Edward is the best character in the novel, and if not for him, the book would totally suck. And I used to think that Edward would have totally gone for me if not were that man *cough* I mean Bella...

but then that stupid epiphany kicked in, and totally ruined all my nice fantasies. You know how Edward has all those sweet dialogues and you kinda just want to hug him? (what is my obsession with hugging people? My God, I really do need therapy), well, just remember:


and so if you really stop and think about it, we're all in love with a woman. Stephenie Meyer to be exact, because you know all those nice things that make you wish Edward totally existed? Yeah, she came up with them.

so if you think about it, more than half of the female teenage population right now are lesbians.

I thought you guys would appreciate that little factoid

oh, and Hashim is awesome. Kthnxbye.

[I'm sorry, he asked me to plug that in]

and Edward is not a "son of a werewolf". Hmmph.


  1. BUT I DIDN'T LIKE EDWARD! Does that mean I'm not a lesbian like you guys? Dammit, that would have totally tied in with my feminism!

    But YAY! A post solely dedicated to me! (I'm ignoring the Hashim part because it comes in at the very end and is just like five words long so whatever)
    Let's go make out, My.

  2. Hello My lol well since most of this is about twilight I can't really say anything since I haven't read the novels or watched the movie =p. But what I can say is that it sucks and anyone who likes it is homo....Oh and also if you steal money you're gna have bad dreams so try not to do that. Oh and I hear Britney spears for some reason.... =p

  3. I think Edward should die.

    Btw, did you get my bumper sticker saying that Buffy could kill Edward Cullen any day?

  4. hahah yes I did, and I loved it. It's prolly true too.

  5. "I am quite possibly the coolest person you'll ever meet."

    myra this blog, were you inspired to write it because of a bumper sticker?
    you were werent you
    because i saw that bumper sticker!

    see i read your blog instead of revising. if i fail i blame you. :)
    its kthxbai
    there no N.

  6. what yaar i wrote the whole thing then it got deleted...

    i think i said soemthing like
    was the inspiration to this blog a bumper sticker because i saw that bumper sticker

    and look i read your blog instead of revising because thats how much i love you but if i fail my illitracy is on your hands.

    did i tell you that for sociology class i have to write a letter to Obama. and the best letter gets sent to him, like actually, however seeing as i find it impossible to string to coherent words together is a sentence i believe this may hinder my chances of speaking directly to Mr.Obama through words.

  7. Edward must die.

    Nice blog.

    For once I am glad to have stumbled upon some hate targeted towards that deranged homosexual.

    Bye Bye.

    Next blog. Remember.

    Or you die =)

  8. hahaha Myra, I LOVED the lesbian theory! lol mention me in your blog too also! come on I helped come up with the theory that Bella is a man-slut person =(
    oh and speaking of bumper stickes, I saw one that said "Real Vampires Don't Sparkle" first I was all hahaha then I realisied...wait a second, REAL Vampires? so that didn't quite make any sense. So yes, I just had a little blonde moment right there.
    Anyhow Myra, some of the music is kind of annoying (no offense :P) and it took me 2 minutes to figure out where it was playing from 'cause I had a lot of stuff open, Yeah yeah blonde moment part 2 - what's your point?

